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Downsizing: Tips for Moving Into A Manufactured Home

Moving into your new manufactured home can be a long & difficult process, we understand that downsizing from house to manufactured home is a big job to take on and we’re here to help you enjoy the process. These tips below will help you in organizing your big move!

Get ready to relax in your new manufactured home on your first night.

community park station grounds property, manufactured home community, land lease, lease land


We cannot emphasize this enough, Plan your move ahead of time. Whether you are looking to downsize or move from another community, having the plan for your move early helps you enjoy the process and relax along the way. A great place to start is a checklist! Breakdown your checklist with dates and stick to the timeline.

When you have your checklist created, stop by your local dollar store or market and grab some labels. You’ll need these for marking boxes  so everyone knows where your belongings go for easy unpacking. Don’t be shy with the labels, mark each side of the box to ensure that your items are treated carefully.


There is nothing worse than moving into your new space only to realize you have no need for some items or have no room. Be realistic about the space that you are downsizing from and understand what your manufactured home can handle.

Start by asking yourself some questions:

  • What do you want your lifestyle to look like?
  • What is going to change / what is going to stay the same when you move?

If you want a minimalist lifestyle, really dig into what you need or don’t need, chances are most of the stuff stored away in your cupboards have not been used for a year or more. Decide what items have sentimental value and what items you simply spent a lot of money on. We know this can be hard to do and taking pictures of each item helps with the disposal of unnecessary things.

Downsizing can be made easier if you invest in multi-use furniture, this will allow you to transform your living room to your at-home office in no time. Choose furniture such as night stands and coffee tables that allow you to store pillows and blankets for easy access and easier clean up.


If you are choosing to hire a moving company (see tip 5) to help with the transition, we recommend it, take inventory of your household items. Not only does this help to stay more organized by knowing what items are pack, this list is useful if something goes missing during the move.


Before grabbing the cardboard boxes & bubble wrap consider using reusable boxes or packing in items you already need to move (i.e. dresser drawers). Cutting down on utilizing cardboard boxes allows you to pack and unpack easier while reducing your waste. Being able to stuff your dresser drawers with items such as cleaning products, personal ware, or blankets & towels keeps you from making that extra trip to the moving truck.  By opting for reusable bins you will have more storage room once you move into your manufactured home for those items you may not need right away. 


When hiring a moving company make sure you ask the right questions! Hiring the moving company can be the toughest part of the whole moving process but worth the time invested to make sure everything arrives at your new home properly. By asking the right questions and researching prior to hiring the moving company lowers your risk of having potential issues like theft or damage when moving into your new manufactured home community.


Welcome to Station Grounds in Coaldale, Alberta, your new home! The hard part is over, now get out there and meet your neighbors. Try asking what creative storage tips they can share with you to help as downsize. 


Located in the thriving community of Coaldale, AB, Station Grounds offers a quiet, safe, small-town community that’s only minutes away from the bustling heart of Lethbridge, Alberta. Leasing a lot in Station Grounds is a stress-free and low-cost alternative to buying. Worry-free living at its’ finest!  Station Grounds has a property manager and an onsite tenant coordinator to respond to any concerns or questions about your manufactured home in any season including the cold Alberta months.